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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bootcamp Continues

So I haven't been great at keeping up with my homework or this blog. Its on my to-do list for the weekend. My notes are partly written down in my notebook, and some are in my head.  Just need to get them all out.

My day job has kept me working hard, then on Thursday I injured myself while attempting to prevent a patient fall. Well, he still fell, but not as hard, and he didn't get hurt. So that's my job right? Don't let the patient get more hurt. However, I sprained my low back and wrist. That makes typing quite an adventure right now. Haven't even attempted to make any new jewelry. That will probably have to take a few weeks break :( 

But for some good news, I found a bunch of already edited photos of my jewelry. Oh happy day, since most jewelry designers, and etsy sellers in general, dislike the photo taking and editing process the most. But those finished photos mean I will be listing new items in the coming days, so keep checking back often. Here's my newest necklace.

Keep an eye out for my new items and blog posts as I get ready for this holiday season.


  1. Hi Turtle,

    Glad you are back! I tweeted your necklace! It reminds me of little raindrops! I look forward to seeing your other new jewelry!
